How Much Does A Medium Carrot Weigh

Have you ever wondered how much a medium carrot weighs? Carrots are a healthy, popular vegetable typically found in all households. Although it is a basic vegetable, many don’t know the answer when asked, “How much does a medium-sized carrot weigh?”

Carrots are available in various shapes and sizes. A medium-sized carrot has a length of four to five inches, a width of 0.75 inches, and an approximate weight of 1.15 ounces. A single carrot weighs about 2.2 grams.

Carrots are an essential part of a healthy diet. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They contain beta-carotene, which is an essential nutrient for healthy eyesight. Carrots are also high in fiber, making them a great choice for weight loss management. Additionally, the potassium in carrots helps to regulate blood pressure, which is key for heart health.

While not everyone might know the weight of a medium carrot, the vegetable is an important source of nutrition for individuals of all ages. Nutritionally, carrots contain vitamins A, C, and E; they are also a good source of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. From a medical perspective, carrots help boost the immune system, as they contain carotenoids that are believed to have cancer-fighting properties.

Carrots are also versatile. They can be eaten raw, cooked, juiced, and even used in baking. Carrots are often used in salads and sandwiches for their crunch, or added to smoothies for more nutrition.

To those avoiding carbohydrates, carrots can be a great substitute as a snack. Carrots also contain essential Dietary Fiber, which can help with digestion. As a fresh vegetable, carrots are easy to prepare and enjoyable to eat.


To maintain the nutritional content of carrots, storage is key. Carrots should be stored in a refrigerator for one to two weeks in an environment with high humidity. Do not let them freeze, as this will decrease the quality of the carrots. Carrots can also be stored for several months in a root cellar, where it should be kept at around 40-45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Also, it’s important to be mindful of the water content of carrots. During storage and handling of carrots, some of the essential vitamins and minerals may be lost with the removal of water. Therefore, when storing carrots in a root cellar, make sure that they are covered with damp cloths for extended periods of storage.


Nutritionally speaking, a cup of medium-sized carrots can provide about 45% of an adult’s daily value of Vitamin A and over 10% of their daily value of Vitamin C. Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, eyesight, and helps strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C is also an essential part of the body’s immune system.

Other essential minerals and vitamins in carrots include Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Additionally, carrots contain antioxidants that may help to lower the risk of cancer and heart disease.


Carrots come in different varieties such as Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow, and White. In terms of flavor, the red and yellow carrots tend to be sweeter, while the white carrots have a milder taste. All types of carrots contain the same nutritional value, only in varying amounts.

The orange carrot is the most popular variety in the United States and is packed with beta-carotene. The Purple carrot is rich in anthocyanins, an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory benefits. It is important to note, however, that some varieties will not reach their nutritional potential unless they are cooked correctly.


The soil plays a major role in the nutritional value of the carrot. The soil should be rich in minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. It should also be slightly acidic and high in organic matter.

Once harvested, carrots should be washed with cold water and stored at around 32-35 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, carrots should be handled with care to maintain quality and to avoid bruising. For optimal nutritional value, carrots should be cooked within one or two days of harvesting. If they are not consumed soon after harvesting, they should be refrigerated.


The cooking method affects the nutritional content of carrots more than any other vegetable. For best nutrition, carrots should be cooked by boiling or steaming for just five minutes. The heat generates carotenoids that are essential for promoting healthy eyes, skin, and boosting the immune system.

Alternately, carrots can be cooked in the microwave. When microwaving carrots, the cooking time is reduced, but the nutrition value is also decreased due to the loss of vitamins and minerals. For optimal nutrition, carrots should be microwaved for no more than three minutes.


To sum up, a medium-sized carrot weighs approximately 1.15 ounces (2.2 grams). Carrots are an essential part of a healthy diet, packed full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Depending on variety, carrots can range in flavor and nutrient density. Carrots should be stored in the fridge and should be cooked correctly to reap their maximum nutritional benefits. Enjoy the colorful and crunchy snack!

Derrick McCabe

Derrick P. McCabe is a passionate food writer from the Midwest. He specializes in writing about the nutritional benefits of vegetables and how to incorporate them into everyday cooking. He has been featured in numerous publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Bon Appetit.He is passionate about helping people make healthy and delicious meals with vegetables.

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