How To Keep Bugs Off Broccoli Plants


Watering broccoli plants regularly is key to keeping bugs away. During growth, water once or twice a week. Decrease watering with hotter temperatures, and water in the morning before the warmest part of the day. To keep humidity levels down, water the soil instead of over head watering, and if you do overhead water, do so in the morning hours to allow time to dry off before the evening. Too much water will lead to fungal growth, which is inviting to a range of bug species.


Soil quality and density are also important factors for keeping bugs away from broccoli plants. Broccoli is a heavy feeder and requires rich soil. It’s best to avoid growing broccoli in heavily compacted soil to avoid attracting pests like wireworms. Other pests like flea beetles and root maggots lay their eggs in moist soils, so aeratinng soil will reduce the risk of opportunistic bugs looking for a home.

Weed Control

Weeds can be a great hide out for bugs. Weed regularly to reduce hideaways and reduce the population of any bugs that may be attracted by the weeds. Pull any weeds entirely from the soil and don’t leave debris or cut down weeds near the broccoli plants. Doing so can attract bugs to the area.

Keep it Clean

A clean environment will also help to keep bugs away from broccoli plants. Provide adequate spacing between the broccoli plants to reduce the chances of diseases spreading. In addition, removal of old plant material will reduce fungal growth and invite an unwanted buggy population.


Insecticides are often used as a form of pest management to keep bugs away from broccoli plants. Insecticides come in many forms, including granular, liquid, and aerosol. There are many different types of insecticides available, including organic and inorganic forms. It’s important to read labels and calculate the dosage of liquid forms of insecticides based upon the square footage before using. Organic insecticides can be obtained from nurseries and are generally safer for use around areas where contact with food is likely.

Natural Pest Management

Natural pest management, such as encouraging beneficial bugs to thrive around the broccoli plants, can also be effective in keeping away unwanted bugs. Try planting flowers, such as marigolds or zinnias, to attract beneficials, such as Ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps. These beneficials eat various kinds of bugs that may be drawn to the broccoli plants.

Companion Planting

Companion planting is when plants with similar needs and preferences are planted together. This method of gardening can be helpful in reducing the population of bugs attracted to the broccoli plants. Try planting garlic, oregano, onion, thyme, rosemary, or sage near broccoli plants to reduce the population of bugs in the area.

Cover Cropping

Cover cropping is another effective method of keeping bugs away from broccoli plants. Cover crops, such as oats or clover, reduce weed growth and attract beneficial bugs. These crops can also attract predatory nematodes to the soil. The predatory nematodes will eat the eggs and larvae of harmful bug species, potentially reducing their population.

Crop Rotation

Crop rotation also benefits broccoli plants in reducing bug populations. It’s important to not plant broccoli in the same location each year. Rotating the location broccoli is planted in annually reduces the population of pests that may congregate in the soil from previous years.

Healthy Soil

Healthy soil is essential to reducing the population of bugs attracted to broccoli plants. If broccoli plants are not getting enough nutrients, the plant may become weak and not able to defend itself against bugs. Amend soil with compost or other organic matter and use fertilizers as recommended.

Be Vigilant

The most effective way to keep bugs away from broccoli plants is to be vigilant. Keep an eye out for any signs of bugs or bug damage to the broccoli plants and take prompt action. Inspect plants regularly, remove any debris in the area, use insecticides or natural pest management as necessary, and maintain a healthy soil environment.

Anna Perry

Anna T. Perry is a health and wellness writer who specializes in nutrition and vegetable-based diets. She is passionate about helping people make informed decisions about their health by providing comprehensive, research-based information. In her free time, Anna enjoys cooking delicious vegetable-based meals.

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