Why Are My Broccoli Leaves Turning Yellow

Home gardeners often face many problems when it comes to their vegetable plants, and yellowing broccoli leaves is a common one. From discolored plants to wilting, yellowing broccoli leaves can be a sign of several different things. But before you worry too much, you should identify what may be wrong with your broccoli and then take the necessary action to fix the problem.

Typically, yellowing broccoli leaves are caused by nutrient deficiencies, inconsistent watering, and exposure to too much cold or hot temperatures. If your broccoli is getting enough sunlight, nutrients, and the correct amount of water, it is likely that it is suffering from an issue related to temperature.

Nutrient deficiencies, such as calcium, can lead to yellowing broccoli leaves. To check if your soil is deficient in calcium, you can take a soil sample to a testing lab or buy a testing kit at your local garden center. If the soil is deficient in calcium, you may need to add a calcium amendment such as lime or gypsum to help restore balanced soil levels.

Another cause for yellowing broccoli leaves is improper watering. Inconsistent watering can cause the soil to dry out in some areas and become soggy in others. To fix this issue, it is best to follow a consistent watering schedule. Make sure that you water your broccoli evenly and deeply.

Finally, if your broccoli is exposed to cold or hot temperatures, its leaves may start to yellow. To avoid this problem, make sure your broccoli is planted in an area with temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once you have determined what is causing the yellowing broccoli leaves, you can take the necessary steps to fix the problem. It may take a bit of time and effort, but with the right care and attention, your broccoli plants should have healthy, green leaves in no time.


Using a mulch is a great way to protect your broccoli plants from fluctuating temperatures and maintain consistent moisture levels in your soil. When applying a mulch to your broccoli, your best bet is to use a light, organic mulch such as hay or straw. However, make sure that you don’t let the mulch come into contact with the broccoli plants themselves as this can cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Spread the mulch around your broccoli plants and water it regularly to keep the soil hydrated and protect your plants from temperature fluctuations. Mulching also helps to keep weeds at bay and can help to prevent other garden pests from getting to your broccoli, which can further prevent yellowing leaves.


Using fertilizer can help to ensure that your broccoli has all the necessary nutrients to thrive. Look for a fertilizer specifically formulated for broccoli or other leafy green vegetables. When applying fertilizer, make sure you follow directions on the label and fertilize your plants every few weeks throughout the growing season.

When purchasing fertilizer for your broccoli, it’s important to make sure that it is balanced. Balanced fertilizers contain the three major nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These three nutrients will help to promote healthy growth and green leaves.

Fertilizers can also help to replenish the soil and provide your broccoli with the essential nutrients it needs to be healthy. In addition, fertilizers may also help to reduce the chances of your broccoli becoming stressed due to a nutrient deficiency.

Insect Control

Caterpillars, aphids, and other garden pests can also be the cause of yellowing broccoli leaves. To prevent an infestation, it is important to monitor your plants regularly and take action if you find any insects on the leaves or stems.

You should also consider introducing beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, to your garden as they can help to naturally control aphids and other pests. In addition, you can also use neem oil or other organic insecticides to help get rid of unwanted pests.

It is also a good idea to practice good garden hygiene and keep your garden free of debris and weeds, as these can provide cover for insects. Finally, it is important to keep the soil around your broccoli plants healthy, as this can help prevent diseases and other problems which can lead to yellowing leaves.

Good Gardening Practices

Overall, most yellowing broccoli leaves can be prevented by following good gardening practices. This includes making sure that your plants are receiving the right amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients. It is also important to keep the soil healthy and take action if you spot any disease, pests, or other problems.

Finally, it is a good idea to practice consistent watering and use a mulch to protect your plants from temperature fluctuations. Following these steps can go a long way in keeping your broccoli plants healthy and from yellowing leaves.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors can also play a role in yellowing broccoli leaves. For example, if your broccoli is exposed to extreme temperatures, it can cause its leaves to turn yellow. It can also be caused by too much fertilizer or an abundance of heavy metals in the soil.

To identify environmental causes of yellowing leaves, it is a good idea to get a soil test done or test the water you use for your plants. Doing so can help you determine what may be causing the problem and help you take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening again in the future.


Yellowing broccoli leaves can have a number of causes, ranging from nutrient deficiencies to environmental issues. However, with the right care and attention, you can identify the cause of the problem and take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening again in the future. Making sure that your plants have the right amount of sunlight, nutrients, and water will go a long way in keeping them healthy and free from discoloration.

Anna Perry

Anna T. Perry is a health and wellness writer who specializes in nutrition and vegetable-based diets. She is passionate about helping people make informed decisions about their health by providing comprehensive, research-based information. In her free time, Anna enjoys cooking delicious vegetable-based meals.

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